About me
I am an arts administrator who moved to Toronto from Spain in 2012. I hold Degrees in Tourism and Humanities, a Masters in Social Media Marketing from the University of Alicante (Spain), and became an international student of the Culture and Heritage Site Management program at Centennial College in 2013.
In Toronto, I have worked with a wide range of arts and culture organizations such as Black Artists’ Networks Dialogue, Latin American Canadian Art Projects & Sur Gallery, and Art Starts. Currently, I am the Managing Director at Mural Routes.
I am also the co-founder and Director of Programming of Paralia Newcomer Arts Network, a Toronto-based non-profit that supports and promotes newcomer artists by providing them with the skills and resources needed in order to establish an artistic presence in Canada. I am also the recipient of the Toronto Arts Council Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship grant in the capacity of mentor and a 2018 Toronto Arts Council Leaders Lab fellow.
I have led Heritage Toronto’s “Immigration Stories: Making a Home in Old Toronto” tours for ESL students (funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada) and “Creando Toronto” for Spanish speakers. I have delivered coaching sessions for newcomer artists and have participated in Neighbourhood Arts Network’s grant-writing clinics offering one-on-one sessions. I was an Ignite Session speaker during the Ontario Museum Association Conference in 2016 with the presentation entitled “What can museums learn from Agencies Serving Immigrants and what can they offer to newcomer audiences?”. More recently, I have participated in the panel discussion “The Experience of Migration and its Effects on the Arts” during Centennial College’s Arts Ahead Symposium (2019).
I have received Ontario Arts Council Compass grants to attend the College Art Association Conference in NYC (2017) and to pursue continuing education in Project Management at Centennial College and Human Resources Management at Ryerson University (2018). Additionally, I have been a jury member for the 2018 & 2019 RBC Arts Access Fund and I currently sit on the Toronto Arts Council Community Arts Committee. I also sit on various committees in an advisory role – the Program Advisory Committee and Social Enterprise Sub-Committee for the Toronto Ward Museum; Program Committee for Heritage Toronto; and Program Advisory Committee for Myseum of Toronto.
Acerca de mi
(Hasta 2012)
Soy Diplomada en Turismo y Licenciada en Humanidades.
Además, hace unos años decidí cursar el Experto Universitario en Información, Interpretación y Guía Turístico, ya que mi vocación siempre ha sido esa, la de ser guía de turismo.
He trabajado como transferista y guía correo en Paris, he tenido mi propia empresa de visitas guiadas, y aunque actualmente ser guía turístico no es mi trabajo principal, sigo queriendo dignificar la profesión del guía y colaboro con algunas empresas en el asesoramiento del diseño, elaboración y organización de visitas guiadas.
También me interesa todo lo relacionado con la cultura y la gestión cultural. Soy una apasionada del patrimonio cultural y de cómo comunicarlo y transmitirlo a las personas, y trato de hacer de ello una profesión. Hace un par de años cursé el Master en Community Management y Social Media, razón por la que empecé con este blog.
Mi última aventura fue emigrar a Toronto (Canadá) y, tras un año de trabajo, decidí volver a estudiar, más concretamente el posgrado denominado “Culture and Heritage Site Management” en Centennial College. Una vez graduada, he tenido la oportunidad de dedicarme a la gestión cultural de manera profesional y de emprender mis propios proyectos en mi país de acogida.
(Más información sobre mis logros a partir de 2012 en la biografía en inglés)